Uniting Private Sector to Stop TB


working for a world free of tb by 2030

Uniquely fit for purpose

We unite private-sector companies who have come together from all walks of life, leveraging shared knowledge, capabilities and commitment, to fight the tuberculosis epidemic. We do so through individual and collective action, awareness raising and, shaping global strategies - providing unique perspectives to the Stop TB Partnership.


Tuberculosis is an ancient, infectious airborne disease.


2 billion

Deaths attributed to TB in the last 200 years

10 million

People fell ill with tuberculosis in 2017


We are greater than the sum of our parts. By collaborating with each other and coordinating our efforts, alongside policy-makers, governments and civil society,  we can help to finally eradicate this 17,000-year-old disease, enabling millions of people to live healthier and more productive lives.


We are the Private Sector Constituency to the Stop TB Partnership, the unified voice of diverse set of companies with worldwide operations. And we are growing.


Our Members Include


Health Product Suppliers

Companies Operating in Communities Affected by Tuberculosis

Companies with TB-impacted workforces.


Our partners
