OUr Impact




The Best Practices Book

Image Credit: UNICEF/Vinay Panjwani

Private sector engagement is key to addressing TB in high-burden countries. Through the activities of our members, we are able to demonstrate a global and direct engagement with the communities in need.

In our Best Practices Book, we've compiled examples showcasing the myriad and diverse ways private sector organizations are contributing to the fight against TB. The booklet, which features innovative approaches being adopted by PSC member companies across the TB care continuum - from diagnosis to treatment to management - aims to inspire other private sector actors to leverage their own unique resources and expertise in service of this important cause.

Read all our case studies!


Private sector engagement with TB provides a variety of expertise, resources, access, and knowledge that are often underutilized, fragmented, unconsolidated, or sometimes even non-existent in the public sphere of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The private sector is a key actor that can leverage its unique attributes to bolster and uplift efforts within LMICs to combat infectious diseases like TB.