Improving the Patient Journey: Focus on Diagnostics and Data

From interruptions to the delivery of services to a decrease in patients seeking care due to continued lockdowns, it is clear that the coronavirus pandemic has profoundly disrupted the global fight against TB. 

Against this backdrop, our organization, the Stop TB PSC Data and Diagnostics workstream, is unveiling a new paper that lays out our vision for how we can continue to make progress against this devastating disease in the coming decades.

The paper, developed collectively by the workstream members, identifies the key challenges related to TB data and diagnostics and provides specific solutions for how to tackle these problems over the long-term. 

As a private sector working group, our purpose is to help advance the battle against this disease in the ways each of our members know best. We work directly with multi-sectoral stakeholders --- governments, NGO’s, and private companies -- to promote adoption of innovative TB technologies and tools, establish clear and effective data privacy safeguards, and ensure TB care systems are connected, integrated and optimized around the world. 

Mario Ottiglio